Over the weekend, as we lamented the loss of Thing 3's "baby phase" and watched her scale her big brother's ladder and climb up to the top bunk of his bunk bed, we were all trying to remember at exactly what age Thing 1 and Thing 2 started walking.
I joked that they were both ridiculously premature walkers, and that both times I was not quite ready for their new found independence. I explained that I remembered that both boys walked at the same respective age . . . shortly after they turned ten months.
Thing 1 dared to contradict me, suggesting that he had indeed taken his first steps much earlier than the ripe old age of ten months.
"I walked as soon as I got out of China, mommy," he said, with a mischievous sparkle in his eye.
"CHINA?" I cried, trying to ascertain when my five year old thought he had ever been to Asia.
My face must have exhibited my dumb-foundedness because with a look of complete and utter seriousness, my son pointed to the zipper area of my capri pants.
"When I came out of your CHINA, I said!"
Got it.
54 and Salty to the Core
4 weeks ago
That is PRICELESS. And now you know why I told J it was a secret and he would find out when he was older how he got out of my tummy :).
OK. I laughed out loud and woke up my dogs!
I'm glad you're blogging gems like this for posterity's sake :P
That's hilarious! Thanks for sharing the laugh. :)
I am laughing out loud. So hard, in fact, that I just read this to my hubby, who found it equally hilarious. Seriously. Priceless!
Oh, my God! You must have died from laughter!
That is pretty awesome.
tee hee tooo funny...kids huh??!!
LOL how hard was it for you to not crack a smile at that? My 2yo likes to walk around talking about her 'gina', though somedays she insists she has a penis. Love it when kids learn new words.
Oh and pretty amazing that you son not only walked when he arrived from 'China' but that he remembers it. I'm in awe! :-)
Carrie Anne
LOL that is hilarious!
LOL!! The perfect story for when he brings his first real girlfriend home for dinner to meet you!!
LOVE it!!! Your china...hee hee!
We call 'em privates here, not as much fun I tell ya.
LOL, Shannon - Love it!
That is the best story I heard all day! Thanks for the laugh!
Hilarious. I think your kiddos and mine MUST be related - because they say some of those same funny things.
Wait... my kids came out of 'my China' though ;)
Oh, is THAT what we're calling now? That' is HILARIOUS!!! Tell Thing 1 thanks for the laughs!
I just spit out my tea! So funny!!
Oh my word! PLEASE TELL THAT STORY AT HIS WEDDING. That's hilarious!
That is hilarious! I love that you blogged about it.
OMG, that is the funniest thing ever!!! Ha Ha Ha!! He came out of your china, lol!!! Thanks for sharing this.
This is definitely a story to tell at his wedding!
O. M. G. Can you say LOL, ROF, it is perfect. Simply perfect. China. Yeppers.
You absolutely made my day with this Miss Crafty Mom, yes you did.
OMG!!! That is HILARIOUS!!!
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