While it's been what seems like an eternity since I last blogged, I figure there's really no better way to get back into it than to dive in head first.
And dive in we have.
We are all settling into a very new fall routine. Thing 1 is in Senior Kindergarten this year, while Thing 2 has started his first year of public school and is in Junior Kindergarten. The brothers take the bus together each morning and attend school for half a day, returning home on the bus before lunch time.
Let me clarify. This "half day" connotation is a bit strong in my opinion. My kids get on the bus at 8:00 a.m. (which truly feels like dawn for a family who has not needed to get up and be anywhere at 8:00 a.m. for the past five years) and then come home and make their way down the steps of the big yellow school bus at 11:00 a.m. That is THREE hours . . . not a significantly long time for a busy mom to accomplish any number of items off her to-do list. With an extremely active 20-month-old little girl at her side.
But in all seriousness, it is an unquestionably easier schedule for me to handle than what I had to deal with last year. The boys go to school in the morning, I have some alone time with Thing 3 every day, they return home in plenty of time for us to all eat lunch together (and not so rushed each day, like it was last year), and we all have some down time in the afternoon while Thing 3 takes her nap. As she is a bit older now, she is flexible enough to nap a bit later in the day, so it's even possible for me to take the kids out for a couple hours after school before she needs to rest.
The boys seem to be doing very well - I couldn't ask for a better beginning to the school year. I was nervous with Thing 2 starting school so young - he is only three years old and does not turn four until later in October - but he has exceeded all my expectations and is adjusting to his new routine like a true champion.
That's not to say that we aren't tired. The boys are EXHAUSTED by the end of the day and after nearly a month of school are still not entirely used to getting up so early. I am continually nudging bedtime back a bit more each night, and they are out cold like wet noodles the minute I turn the light off in their room.
And after spewing on about my beliefs on the importance of not over-scheduling young children in extra-curricular activities, it seems as if the boys are this fall enrolled in swimming lessons on Monday nights and Thing 1 has started Beavers on Wednesdays. Am I hypocrite? Yeah, maybe. But so far, so good, and I have to admit to liking having a couple evening activities that really help pass the time a little faster as the colder weather approaches and the evenings get shorter and darker.
So, I introduce to you after a long summer hiatus, Thing 1 and Thing 2, on the first day of school on their way to the bus stop.The perfect "first day of school" shot was interrupted by the Things complaining that the sun was in their eyes.
As things have worked out, we tend to walk to the bus stop as a family of five because Daddy catches his bus downtown at the exact same time that the school bus comes.
I'm sure this will get pretty old, pretty fast when the snow hits in January, but for now we quite enjoy our little morning excursions.
54 and Salty to the Core
4 weeks ago
Whoa...long time no see!! It is great to read an update from you! Glad to hear things are going well! Great back to school pics!
Glad school is going well and glad you are back!
Welcome back to blogging!
And I swear your kids have grown leaps and bounds since the last photos you posted here. Other peoples' children always seem to grow faster than your own, somehow.
Shannon, I've been checking your blog every week to see if I missed an entry or something, but nooooooo.
So happy to see you and your family again. I contemplated even sending an email to say 'hi' but then I was figuring maybe you were just done with the blogger thing.
Yea, for that not being the case.
Your kids are adorable as I remember, as is the husband ;)
Love seeing pics of the boys going to school! So cute! As is the family pic all heading off for the day!
Well welcome back, Shannon! I've missed you! I'm glad to hear things are going so well with your boys and school! I love the pictures - your family is very beautiful. :) I'm happy to report that my oldest is loving JK, too! Never thought he'd adjust so well, but I'm so thankful. Hope to read more from you soon! xo
Sounds like the perfect start to the Fall to me. Glad you have a bit of time in the mornings, say perhaps for a coffee visit?
And hopefully will see you on Sunday!
Hey Stranger - good to "see" you again! : ) Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well.
I have to say though, I'm kinda glad my Kindergarten-er goes a full day (8-3) especially since baby is coming in a few short days!
Your kids are the so cute!! Enjoy the non-snowy weather while it lasts!
I agree, the first few weeks of the school routine are the best, then winter comes and ruins it all, then we are all re-invigorated in spring.
Nice to have you back. Take Care.
I really enjoy keeping acquainted with you, Paul and my grandkids. Nice to read your blog again. Need a little more Leah please!!
Glad to see you blogging again.
Love the pictures, I can't believe David is in school, and riding the bus no less! Wow! Hope to read more soon, it is hard to find the time I know.
that IS a SHORT day! whew! you can't really get anywhere and back, you can't really get THAT much done...i see what you're saying!!
I'm so glad things are going well. This schedule seems much better than last year's was. Sorry about the short day, I know how hard it is to try and get things done in such a short time.
hi there - long time no see!! so glad to hear all is well in your world :) and happy to see that the kiddos are even cuter than the last time we saw them!
You're lucky that it works out so both boys are at school in the morning! Doesn't that school time just fly by?
Anyway, nice to see you back!
welcome back to blogging!!
sounds like you are busy, the kids are so cute!
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