Let's flashback two years ago . . .Yes, "Thing Two" as we so fondly call him, has reached that stage of toddlerhood where one can really not get away calling him a baby anymore. He has turned two years old!! What a big guy, it's hard to believe. We opted out of the big party trend this year and just had a couple friends over for lunch and cake. It was a lot of fun and not overwhelming like a big party is.
Here we are with our TWO year old!! He was so happy and thrilled it was fun to watch (oh, and cute too, I should mention!)His prized Diego cake - I bought it at the last minute instead of making it myself (that was my plan until I found out how much all the supplies would cost!) and was so happy with it. It was delicious - David's not a big cake fan but he definitely ate some :-)
Blowing out candles like daddy taught him!!
Digging in - this icing is so good mom!!
Unwrapping his presents, he was pretty good at it but had some help from big brother, of course!
Look at all this fun stuff!!!
Proud Granny with the birthday boy . . .
Proud daddy and birthday boy!!
The best part of the day was David's fascination with his balloons . . .
He eventually convinced daddy to cut one off for him :-) Made for one happy little boy!
Concert Going in 2025
1 month ago
David definitely looks like a big boy! Who could believe he is 2 already!?
The party and the cake look great! Sorry we live so far away and have to miss things like this, but the pics help make up for it!
Isn't it amazing (and a bit sad) just how fast they grow up?
Happy Belated Birthday, David!!
Happy belated birthday!
Hard to beleive the little guy's 2 already!!! Happy Birthday David!!
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