If I had a penny for every person that has said "we haven't had a storm like this since I was a kid", I'd be a wealthy, wealthy woman! Yes, the city of winter has once again been pummeled by a winter storm . . . several days *before* the first actual day of winter. The snow banks are well over P&D's little heads now, the only way to escape our home is to tunnel out in one manner or another ;-)
Here is our front walk . . .And me peeking outside the front window . . .
The boys' slide in the backyard . . .
Poor Rudy - not even one tough cocker spaniel is equipped to deal with this kinda weather.
The snowbank right outside our back door . . .
"I am seriously just trying to find a spot to take a dump."
Thankfully the snow is soft, white, fluffy and super great quality for playing in. It's perfect for sledding and digging tunnels and forts, so the boys really love it. The past few days have been brutally cold but this week the temperatures should be looking up and we will likely be able to play outside for longer than 30 minutes. It looks like a white Christmas for us, for sure :-)
Monday, December 17, 2007
Don't drop your wallet out there, my friend
Posted by A Crafty Mom at 8:31 PM 5 comments
Deck the Toddlers
It's hard to believe one week from today is Christmas Eve . . . that's okay, the boys have been very patient for what is a long wind-up waiting period for the *big* holiday. I'm not certain they're sure Santa will ever come, I keep telling them it is "next week"! They are very excited and happy, that's for sure. We picked out our Christmas tree and put it up last weekend - after losing roughly 5 glass ornaments to toddler fumbles, things still weren't looking that bad. It took me five days to slowly and methodically re-arrange Pete's "cluster" of ornaments that had taken up residence in one square foot at the front of the tree ;-)Yeah, the night shot never turns out well. Thankfully, I have a sneaking suspicion that a new digital camera will be under this blurry tree on Christmas morning!!!
Rudolf, The Red Nosed Toddler!!!
Here is our future Jamie Oliver . . . fully clothed and helping add sprinkles to the Christmas cookies.
In no way could I replicate this face if I tried ;-)
We headed out to the mall last week to see Santa, and have pictures taken on Santa's lap. P&D were very keen to see Santa and were fairly patient while we waited in line for 10-15 minutes for our turn. The minute we approached the bearded red suit, Pete started to panic and decided he didn't want to see Santa after all. Because David had just woken from a nap, I knew he would do whatever Pete did. Although Santa tried to coax us in at the last minute, we left quickly before any trauma occurred. I don't care enough about the pictures to be one of those parents that insists the child sit there, hysterical, flushed and teary eyed while poor Santa earns his paycheck. Admittedly I was disappointed, but we quickly moved on to bigger and better experiences at the mall.
Like . . . the play area!!!! I mean, come on, does this look like a kid who is afraid of Santa ;-)??????All his troubles behind him, Pete slides his way to fun and happiness . . . while modeling Nana's beautiful purple sweater!
Yes, I have been blessed with two acrobatic climbers. They are truly a dynamic duo!
And last, but not least, David models his Christmas sweater Nana knit him. BEAUTIFUL, Pete has a matching one and they are so adorable together, it hurts!!!
Posted by A Crafty Mom at 5:16 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
The boys and the babe
I have been so seriously and insanely busy lately, it's totally crazy. Yes, most of it brought on by myself b/c I sometimes like to do and take on a little too much, but there is SO MUCH going on right now I cannot believe it! I mean, the holidays are coming and there's LOADS to do. So far I have over half my holiday baking done - yum yum. Thankfully I have two little messy helpers who adore adding sprinkles to the top of cookies or truffles. If you've been nice to me this year, you might just wind up with a box of my truffles yourself ;-)
With all the frigid cold and snow, we started putting the Christmas decorations up last weekend. David felt stockings should be *worn* and not hung on the fireplace.Pete takes a break from the cold to chill out watching a Christmas special in Nana's warm, cozy, cashmere sweater. (He is seriously the only kid in his preschool class who wears a hand-knit CASHMERE sweater :-) Major props to Nana for this one. It's warm too. I'd like to get into it with him!!!!
After a huge snowstorm left us swamped with over 40 cms of snow, and some well-below freezing temperatures, we've had to become creative this week and test out a few new indoor activities.
OK, so painting isn't *that* creative or new, but we had a lot of fun playing Picasso!
Things started out pretty neat and organized. Each boy is happy b/c he has his own tray of paint, paintbrushes and paper. (OCD mom is happy about this too!!!).Things are still looking good, but you can see David starting to sneak his fingers into the paint.
Within seconds, total loss of control ensues. It's each man for himself, hands and other items are now in the paint, the walls shrink back in fear ;-)
At least they are proud of themselves, and the artwork turned out extremely well!
Along with our new busy December schedule comes my well-timed third trimester "nesting" fury. I'm really out of control, but I guess the good news is we might actually be ready for this baby (ha ha - fat chance). She is quite the little mover and is giving her mommy a large number of pretty hefty Braxton Hicks contractions on a regular basis. My midwife confirmed that, just like Peter and David, she is very low already and has her head almost engaged. For those unfamiliar with third trimester pregnancy . . . this causes a great deal of pain and pressure on one's pelvis and cervix. I have vowed to cut back on my driveway shoveling so that the little tike stays put until at least 37-38 weeks.
OK, not so LITTLE anymore, she is likely well over 4 pounds by now! Here she is at 32 weeks:
David is convinced he can inflate her and maybe she will come out in time for Christmas. Pete has voiced some very serious concern that his little sister will miss Christmas this year and get "ripped off" b/c she won't receive any gifts. Ah, nothing like holiday spirit from a three year old :-).
Posted by A Crafty Mom at 11:28 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A few last shots!
Here is one more quick look at our November snowfall - so pretty it's hard to hate it!! :-)And a few of Pete and his grandad "wrestling" and rough-housing. They had a blast . . . although grandad may have gotten more than he bargained for!!
My cousin Stacey and her husband George and their kids came over to visit. Yes, Rudy is helping my mom with her knitting!
Emily plays with David - until David continuously smashes her blocks onto the floor!
Michael takes a hand at the blocks too!
Rudy relaxes and hangs out with the gang . . .
And because I was so slack that I didn't get the Halloween photos up, here they are for those few that asked ;-)
Dad poses with Captain Jack Sparrow and the little green monster!Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, lead me to the candy!
Captain Jack took his beaded head wig off for most of the night so he could walk faster and thus obtain more candy ;-)
Posted by A Crafty Mom at 2:55 PM 2 comments
First Fall Snowstorm
I have been a neglectful blogger, once again. Life, family, commitments and the time of year have all bogged me down and kept me from my *important* blogging duties ;-)
Things are going well in our little household. We have been extremely busy and, as always, I take on way more than I should and end up squeezing a bit too much into each day (and night). Pete is blossoming into an interesting little person, who I often forget is still only 3 1/2 years old. On some days he can be as frustrating as he is overwhelmingly adorable. But he is fun, witty, smart and has such an inventive imagination, I can hardly believe it.
David is talking a lot more, so it is finally becoming easier to communicate with him. He has definitely entered the "terrible twos" and is often falling victim to minor temper tantrums and fits. He is independent and certainly knows what he wants and how to get it. He adores his big brother and tries valiantly to do everything he does. This inevitably leads to some conflict - ok, lots of conflict and I think I've just entered what will likely be the next 20 years of two boys fighting. Thankfully they play together quite well almost as often as they fight, so I am able to stay sane for at least some of the day.
Pete and David's sister is due to arrive in January. I am almost 32 weeks pregnant. I can hardly believe it, it has seem like a *way off* event for so very long. I have just recently started to have some actual anxiety and doubts. Like so many around me have questioned . . . "are you NUTS?" "are you CRAZY?" "do you even know what you're doing?". Yes, yes, and no. I admittedly have no idea how I will cope with a third child, but nonetheless we are anxious and excited to meet P&D's little sister in a mere few weeks. I mean, we will survive, right? Others before me have done this and lived :-)
As Pete and David's Nana and Grandad from Nova Scotia arrived to visit last week, a major November snowstorm hit the Ottawa area and left us with 10-15 cms of snow. It's been . . . interesting getting two toddlers in snow suits but they're having so much fun it's been worth every minute!
Here is Pete, all decked out and ready to help us shovel the driveway.David loves the snow too, but is not always so keen to shovel!
Our third little snow-lover!
A new friend who showed up in our backyard . . .
My parents let P&D have their Christmas gifts early, given the early arrival of so much snow. Well, the boys ADORED their inner tube sleds and had loads of fun scooting down the hill near our house. And, man, did they ever move FAST!!!!!!! Thankfully the tubes are well made and can't tip over - so we didn't lose anyone along the way :-)
Although Dad did all the really hard work of pulling both tubes, I deserve some credit for making it to the top of the hill in deep snow at least 3-4 times at 31 weeks pregnant!!Getting ready to launch Pete . . .
Looking up the hill . . .
And here comes Pete!!!!
I thought this was a nice shot of Pete and Paul off in the distance.
Posted by A Crafty Mom at 7:15 AM 3 comments
Monday, October 29, 2007
Little David turns TWO
Let's flashback two years ago . . .Yes, "Thing Two" as we so fondly call him, has reached that stage of toddlerhood where one can really not get away calling him a baby anymore. He has turned two years old!! What a big guy, it's hard to believe. We opted out of the big party trend this year and just had a couple friends over for lunch and cake. It was a lot of fun and not overwhelming like a big party is.
Here we are with our TWO year old!! He was so happy and thrilled it was fun to watch (oh, and cute too, I should mention!)His prized Diego cake - I bought it at the last minute instead of making it myself (that was my plan until I found out how much all the supplies would cost!) and was so happy with it. It was delicious - David's not a big cake fan but he definitely ate some :-)
Blowing out candles like daddy taught him!!
Digging in - this icing is so good mom!!
Unwrapping his presents, he was pretty good at it but had some help from big brother, of course!
Look at all this fun stuff!!!
Proud Granny with the birthday boy . . .
Proud daddy and birthday boy!!
The best part of the day was David's fascination with his balloons . . .
He eventually convinced daddy to cut one off for him :-) Made for one happy little boy!
Posted by A Crafty Mom at 10:53 AM 4 comments