OK, I finally got a good nighttime shot of the Christmas tree!! It's hard to see but you kinda get the picture. I ordered my turkey yesterday, so it looks like Christmas is really happening at our house this year. My cousin Stacey and her family are coming for dinner Christmas day - they're terrific cooks so I have a lot to live up to!When my parents were visiting this weekend they brought up the boys' big Christmas gift!!! It was so large it was easier to give it to the kids early. Needless to say it is a HUGE HIT at our house. Both boys absolutely love playing with it. Pete makes tea and cooks for us, while David loves opening all the doors and putting things in the oven, fridge, cupboard, etc. We haven't even had time to add all the real-life looking stickers to it yet, it should be pretty cool looking once I put them on. We don't want the boys to see us putting the stickers on, or else we're pretty sure they'll be peeling them all off!!!
I was worried briefly about a toy kitchen for two boys, but I suggested this one b/c there are lots of little things to play with and it's NOT PINK!!! The kids love it so much, and they will be very happily surprised on Christmas morning with a few gifts that will *compliment* their new kitchen!
David is totally into lego these days. He loves to pour the box and out and throw them all around. It's a fun activity b/c it's actually something the boys are starting to do together. Pete will build buildings and towers and will allow David to *help* him! It's adorable to watch.
My poor little Peter spend part of the other night in the ER at the hospital. Peter had had a cold for a week or two and he seemed particularly miserable this weekend while my parents were visiting. I felt so bad for him, he was so whiny and upset - not really like him at all. So Sunday night he started crying and screaming around 8:00 p.m. and it didn't stop . . . at 1:30 a.m. I caved in and took him to the ER. I *knew* something was wrong, he was complaining his tooth hurt and seemed to be really rubbing his ear (he did just cut a big old molar in the back of his mouth, I felt it this a.m.). I kept saying I was pretty sure it was an ear infection, b/c I had them as a kid and it hurt so much it made me scream. Paul was saying Peter was "playing" me with all the screaming b/c he wanted attention and didn't want to sleep.
Peter is a child who goes to bed every night with NO problems and sleeps for 12 hours. So I got up and got dressed and took him to the hospital. It took forever to see a doctor, but it did turn out that he has a really bad ear infection. They gave him antibiotics and something for the pain, and we headed home (at 4:14 a.m). It was totally not fun, Pete was miserable and freaking out when the doctor touched him and looked in his ear. I think his screaming woke the newborns up on the other side of the hospital, lol!!! He was such a trooper and was pretty miserable yesterday, but seems to be feeling a bit better today.
Paul felt quite guilty when I told him I was right and it was an ear infection. Not to mention I hauled my butt out of bed out in the cold to take Peter to the hospital while he went back to his warm bed and cuddled our dog. I think he owes me pretty big ;-). There better be diamonds under my Christmas tree. Or a trip to the spa.
Here's my sickie, that's the best photo I could get. He's wearing his groovy new outfit his nana bought him at Gymboree this weekend!!!
Concert Going in 2025
3 weeks ago
Hope he's feeling better! My littlest one came down with a really bad cold. I will have to keep an eye on him. I had to get him some Tylenol Cold plus Cough pills today. He was supposed to go to the high school kids Christmas party tomorrow with his cousin, but he's too sick. (I'm sure he will pass it to his brother, who will pass it to Mommy and Daddy, who will in turn be sick over Christmas.)
Your tree looks really nice all lit up. This is my first year cooking Christmas dinner. We always go to my parents', but this year they decided they were coming here. Good thing I had Chrisco Hampers delivered this year with a 10kg Butterball!
My boys have a kitchen, too. (No pink on it!) Their dad wasn't the happiest that the boys had a kitchen, but they have so much fun with it. Got my Toys R Us order today with two Lite Brite refills in it. One is Star Wars, the other was supposed to be just a plain one. They sent My Little Pony. Have to find a little girl to give it to. I have two in mind who might have a Lite Brite.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
David looks so cute in his overalls.
Just recently Ean got a bladder infection. He was crying and screaming one night, that his "you know what" hurt, and Jim said the same exact thing about him (Jerk). I ended up taking him to the doctor the next morning and he really was sick. It is very rare for a boy to have a bladder infection but it takes a MOM to know when to take it serious.
Poor Pete! Hope he's feeling better. Good for you mom for knowing when to get to the doctor. Paul, I'd suggest a nice new diamond something she can show off at that spa! ;p
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