Lauren and Mark came up to visit this weekend from Saint John - so Mark could run the Ottawa marathon!!! He did fantastic - especially considering the hot weather - and came in UNDER four hours. What a stellar job for his FIRST marathon. We all went downtown to cheer him on!! Peter and David say "way to go uncle Mark"!!!!!Preggo Lauren meets her hubby at the finish line!!
. . . and poses for a picture :-)
We all find some shade after the race to sit for a few minutes.
There I am with the big runner!!
Peter says he will run the marathon next year!!
Awwwww . . . happy sisters :-)
David missed some of the big day . . . he says he will wait a few years before taking on the marathon!!
Pete was a bit hesitant to break out the shorts this spring - he fought it and wore this over the weekend!!
Sits for a drink with aunt Lauren on the step - Rudy looks on enviously from the window . . .
Shan and Lauren - first time ever Shan weighs LESS than Lauren ;-)
Concert Going in 2025
3 weeks ago
Looks great Shan! Mark and Walker are both still surviving but continue to complain of some minor aches and pains. No wonder. We're awful proud! Hugs and kisses to Pete and David!
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